BITNET - vertaling naar Engels
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BITNET - vertaling naar Engels


  • An extract of MAD's connection log from 1986 shows the frequency of connections worldwide.
Bitnet; .bitnet; MAD (MUD); MAD (massively multiplayer online role-playing game); BITNETS; Multi Access Dungeon; BITNet; BITnet; Because It's Time Network
bitnet m
  • An extract of MAD's connection log from 1986 shows the frequency of connections worldwide.
Bitnet; .bitnet; MAD (MUD); MAD (massively multiplayer online role-playing game); BITNETS; Multi Access Dungeon; BITNet; BITnet; Because It's Time Network
(n.) = BITNET

Def: Una red de comunicaciones de instituciones educativas distinta de Internet.
Ex: BITNET (Because It's Time NETwork or Becasue It's There NETwork) is a network of educational sites separate from the Internet.
Nota: Una red de comunicaciones de instituciones educativas distinta de Internet.
Ex: BITNET (Because It's Time NETwork or Becasue It's There NETwork) is a network of educational sites separate from the Internet.


<networking> /bit'net/ (Because It's Time NETwork) An academic and research computer network connecting approximately 2500 computers. BITNET provides interactive, electronic mail and file transfer services, using a store and forward protocol, based on IBM Network Job Entry protocols. Bitnet-II encapsulates the Bitnet protocol within IP packets and depends on the Internet to route them. BITNET traffic and Internet traffic are exchanged via several gateway hosts. BITNET is now operated by CREN. BITNET is everybody's least favourite piece of the network. The BITNET hosts are a collection of IBM dinosaurs, VAXen (with lobotomised communications hardware), and {Prime Computer} supermini computers. They communicate using 80-character EBCDIC card images (see eighty-column mind); thus, they tend to mangle the headers and text of third-party traffic from the rest of the ASCII/RFC 822 world with annoying regularity. BITNET is also notorious as the apparent home of BIFF. [Jargon File] (2002-09-02)



BITNET fue una red informática cooperativa de universidades de los Estados Unidos fundada en 1981 por Ira Fuchs en la Universidad de la Ciudad de Nueva York (CUNY) y Greydon Freeman en la Universidad de Yale.[1]​ El primer enlace de red fue entre CUNY y Yale.

El nombre BITNET originalmente significaba "Porque está allí Red" ( en inglés "Because It's There Network"), pero finalmente llegó a significar "Porque es tiempo Red" ("Because It's Time Network" ).[2]

Se requería que un colegio o universidad que deseara unirse a BITNET alquilara un circuito de datos (línea telefónica) de un sitio a un nodo BITNET existente, comprara módems para cada extremo del circuito de datos, enviara uno al sitio del punto de conexión y permita que otras instituciones para conectarse a su sitio de forma gratuita.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor BITNET
1. had things like UUCP and BITNET.
The Stellar Consensus Protocol _ David Mazières _ Talks at Google